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Yash Machine Tools is the right place to find majority models of workshop equipments suitable for several industrial needs. Our WM series & DMTG horizontal milling boring equipment is one among the versatile imported machines

Product Code WM 08/ TP 61 Model number TPX6111 is featured with 110 spindle bore diameter and 6 MT spindle taper. The maximum spindle axial thrust is 12250 N and spindle speed range is 8-1000 rotations per minute. It requires 7.5 KW of main motor power. The maximum facing head torque is 1960 N.m. It is designed with 1140x1000mm table size and the maximum work load capacity is 2500kgs. The X, Y and Z axis travel is 1000mm for each and it is also possible to obtain W axis travel which is 600mm.

Product Code WM 08/ TP 61 Model number TPX6111 is featured with 110 spindle bore diameter and 6 MT spindle taper. The maximum spindle axial thrust is 12250 N and spindle speed range is 8-1000 rotations per minute. It requires 7.5 KW of main motor power. The maximum facing head torque is 1960 N.m. It is designed with 1140x1000mm table size and the maximum work load capacity is 2500kgs. The X, Y and Z axis travel is 1000mm for each and it is also possible to obtain W axis travel which is 600mm.

Technical Data of Horizontal Milling Boring Machine

Product Code Unit WM 08 / TP 61 WM 08/ TP 61A WM 08/TP 61
Model No.   TPX6111 TPX6111A TPX6113
Spindle bore diameter mm 110 110 130
Spindle taper MT 6 6 80mm
Max. spindle torque N.m 1225 1225 3136
Max. spindle axial thrust N 12250 12250 31360
Number of spindle speed   22 22 24
Range of spindle speeds r/min 8-1000 8-1000 4-800
Power of main motor kw 7.5 7.5 15
Max. facing head torque N.m 1960 1960 4900
Facing head Diameter mm 630 630 750
Range of facing head speeds r/min 4-200 4-200 2.5-125
Number of facing head speeds   18 18 18
Table size mm 1140×1000 1140×1000 1600×1400
Max. work load kg 2500 2500 8500
T-slot mm 22 22 28
Number of T-slot   10 10 10
X-axis travel mm 1000 1350 1600
Y-axis travel mm 1000 1000 1500
Z-axis travel mm 1000 1000 1500
W-axis travel (Spindle travel) mm 600 600 900
U-axis travel (Facing head spindle travel) mm 180 180 250
B-axis worktable rotary   360 360 360
Min distance between spindle center and table surface mm 0 0 0
Rapid travel (X/Y/Z/W) mm/min 2500 2500 2500
Range of feed per spindle revolution mm/rev 0.04-6/0.01-1.88 0.04-6/0.01-1.88 0.05-8/0.01-2
Linear measurement accuracy mm 0.005 0.005 0.005
B-axis measurement accuracy mm 0.001 0.001 0.001
Overall dimensions mm 4900 x 2554 x 2850 4910 x 2990 x 2850 6995 x 3730 x 3535
Machine weight kg 13300 14800 24500

Main Mechanical Features of Horizontal Milling Boring Machine

  • Spindle is designed of comparatively better strength which supports for strong cutting force and high machining performance.
  • All are featured with flexible hydraulic pre-select gear change system.
  • Provided with optical sensor available for higher table locating accuracy.
  • We provide UK DRO for both X and Y axis.
  • Machining parts made of higher grade materials.
  • Durable, long standing, reliable and accurate in performance.
  • Suitable for more productivity requirements.
  • Designed as per industrial standards to support variety of industrial milling and boring requirements.
  • Cost effect machine option as it provides both milling and boring features.
  • We provide automatic tool loading and unloading along with spindle of ISO 7:24 at 50 Taper.

Product Code WM 08/ TP 61A Model number TPX611A is designed with 22mm T slot and 1350mm of x axis travel and 1000mm of Y axis and 1000mm of z axis travel. The range of facing head speeds is 4-200 rotations per minute and it is designed with 1140x1000mm table size and can withstand maximum 2500kg of work load. It is featured with 110mm of spindle bore diameter and 6MT spindle taper. The maximum spindle torque is 1225 N.m and the maximum spindle axial thurst is 12250 N. The spindle speed range is 8-1000 rotations per minute.

Product Code WM 08/ TP 61 Model Number TPX 6113 is designed with 130mm of spindle bore diameter and 80mm MT of spindle taper. The maximum spindle torque is 3136 N.m and maximum spindle thrust is 31360 N. The number of spindle speed is 24 and the range of spindle speeds is 4-800 rotations per minute. It can work with 15 KW of main motor power. The range of facing head speeds is 2.5-125 rotations per minute. The X, Y and Z axis travel distance is 1600mm, 1500mm and 1500mm respectively.

Apart from the above featured all the three models of WM series horizontal milling boring machine is capable of W-axis spindle travel and U-axis facing head spindle travel. The B-axis work table rotary is 360 for all the three models. The rapid travel is 2500mm per minute which is similar in all the three models.

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